Everyone Knows Someone
The month of October is dedicated to raising awareness about domestic violence, especially its disproportionate impact on marginalized communities.
Did you know:
- Immigrant survivors of domestic violence face complex barriers to accessing support and living free from violence. Language barriers, vulnerable citizenship status, and cultural norms can all expose survivors to further abuse.
- Police are less likely to respond to reported violence against victims with disabilities than they are to reported violence against victims without disabilities.
- Black women make up 8% of the U.S. population but account for 22% of domestic violence homicide victims and 29% of all female victims of intimate partner homicide.
- 43.8% of lesbian women and 61.1% of bisexual women have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime, as opposed to 35% of heterosexual women.
This month, take time to learn about common signs of an abusive relationship.
Wondering how you can help?
- Donate to organizations like HarborCOV who specialize in supporting survivors with culturally and linguistically appropriate support.
- Urge legislators to protect and prioritize survivors
- Learn how to have a conversation with someone who may be experiencing domestic violence.